if the manager does the work she or he is supposed to do then they should deserve to go to state. like tong119 said they have to earn it. a manager should not just think that she should go to state just because that they are a manager and other managers are going. just becasue you wrestle varsity doesn't mean you get a free ride to state, you have to earn it. now all our managers are going to state this year which doesn't bother me because they all have done there work and put up with all our b.s. last year we had wrestlettes go to state to, which they did not deserve at all i taught. all they were there for where the guys and flirt with them like they did all last year.

and vikesmanager, can you please tell our managers not to eat in front of us. i don't care if they do it at tournments, but when they have the nerve to bring McDonals or Chipoltes into the practice room, now that is just pure torture.