Amen holtonwrstlngirl05! The same goes for us. There was even a time last year that our assistant coach noted that we had to be at all the matches, sometimes more than he did. Because we do contribute so much to the team, we too are considered part of the team. Our cheerleaders didn't do much either, especially considering that most of them quit. By the end of the season, we had a total of 2. One was out of town for state weekend, so they decided not to come. The staff had to recruit the varsity squad for Saturday, which in the end didn't seem to accomplish much. They didn't know any of the cheers. The wrestling cheerleaders also told us that pillowcases would be made. Bologna. So, us managers have taken on that task as well. Although they weren't ready by state, we'll have them for the banquet. It's nice to know that other managers are appreciated for their hard work as well. (Or even that others put in hard work.)If only the wrestlers could see that us managers commit so much to the wonderful sport, I wonder if they'd be more willing to check us out over the cheerleaders. At least we'd stick around and watch thier matches! (And know what's going on!)