My daughter is a manager, and for those of you who think the manager doesn't deserve to go to state as part of the team, I ask you to take a good hard look at yourselves. My daughter goes to every practice (5 nights a week). She goes to practices on days when there is no school and over the holiday break. She does stats and all the paperwork for the tourneys. She keeps the med kid supplied. She makes sure that there is nutritious food for wrestlers to snack on at every meet, whether a dual or tourney (out of pocket). She is moral support for all of the wrestlers, and although I think many of them would like to date her, maintains a strict friend relationship with all of them. She knows wrestling probably as well as the coaches. She is the go to girl. Last year, she paid her own way to state. This year, the team picked up the room and I went along with her. I'm at every match anyway, although I've never had a wrestler in my family. I love these boys like they are my own. This is the first year I was sorry my daughter was involved. Although the team picked up her room this year, the coach treated her with total disrespect. I am hoping that she won't be involved next year. Guys, I have seen some pretty bad female managers who I think are just at the meets to get a date and flirt with their own team and any other. If you have a good manager, give 'em their kudos. It's a thankless job with no hope of medals at the end, but they work hard and must love their team, 'cause they sure don't do it for the pay. If you get a good one, male or female, you better hold on to 'em. Pat 'em on the back and tell them thanks once in a while. For the coach who made so many nice comments about your managers, thank you. I'm glad that someone recognizes their managers worth. Bless you!