Smokeycabin has been a very dedicated tireless youth wrestling coach in Kansas for probably over 25 years. He coached my son on his youth wrestling team for six to seven years. All the parents I know of those kids that my son wrestled with think the world of him and the positive wrestling environment that he gave our kids. A lot of those wrestlers became good wrestlers at the high school level and were part of two state championship teams. He is very dedicated to wrestling and coaching youth wrestlers the correct way. He loves the sport of wrestling and has dedicated most of his life to it. He was also a very successful college wrestler himself. He has also been very dedicated to promoting wrestling at all levels in Kansas, youth, high school and college. He is committed to seeing wrestling growing at all levels. I know he would probably preferred that I did not come to his defense here but I wanted you to know he is an experienced and dedicated youth wrestling coach with many years of experience.

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
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