My point going back in time should take you back a few years as - to who influenced you to chose your current path in helping kids - which is awesome! KS added a National traveling team for school boy/girl age group around 2003/04 I believe - very age appropriate for the ADM model - getting kids ready for HS. Since that time - nationally and at the state level - National traveling teams have been getting younger and younger
the experiment is not working - we (the sport of wrestling) are losing kids - PERIOD. That is one BIG contributing factors adding
to the decline in HS numbers. Is the state and national agenda
to have all of the male and female Olympic Champs every cycle?

The TOTAL USA club numbers from state to state are not declining because they are starting earlier and earlier - we have more 5 year old kids that never make it to high school. We now have kids barely out of diapers rolling around for trophies. The wrestling community keeps pushing for more younger and younger championships and traveling teams - but we are losing numbers fast on the back end - at the High School level. I can not see as many coaches in the future with 4th grade national champ on their resume whom are running clubs, HS and college programs.

Sean -

Last edited by smokeycabin; 04/13/18 05:21 PM.