Originally Posted by jziegler
My problem is that my daughter is in one of the weight classes that has only had 2-3 girls at state. I don’t think she has had a match against anyone her one age/weight that has lasted 30 seconds at girls state. She likes to wrestle the boys because it makes her better because wrestling girls didn’t help her. She lives to wrestle and is devastated by this decision. I would be all for this if there was enough girls already, but the growth is just not there yet. The first year she wrestled I think there was only 90 total girls 6U- HS at girls state. I think last year there was around 160 ish. That is still not enough to make brackets. I at least think they should be allowed to choose. If you want to take the girls state away from her that’s fine, I am sure she is more proud of her 2nd place finish at kids state last year, than 4 straight years of 1st place with 2-4 girls year year. Again, sounds like something was voted before before anyone knew what they were getting.
Please don’t get me wrong, I think this is a big step in the right direction, but needs more girls first

How did your club representatives vote on this issue?