Alright Horgan, I will bite...In some parts of the state, there are too many duels where the teams aren't full and the wrestlers they do have don't match up in weights, so a duel is held, team points are exchanged, a duel winner is determined and hardly anyone wrestled. So, the mixer or as my good friend Derick Budke calls it, a Jamboree, is a good opportunity to get 5-6 teams together and make sure everyone gets 2-3 varsity matches without burning up competition points. Not real relevant to larger schools with full teams, but very relevant to smaller schools who struggle to fill out a lineup and to find matches outside of weekend tourneys. Chase County is holding a Jamboree on Thursday night and I think 6 teams are on the schedule. It'll be their 3rd year and their biggest one yet and I think it is a very positive way to grow the sport in schools and communities where maybe wrestling tradition and participation are marginal or challenged. Get Harry and come down to Cottonwood Falls on Thursday, I will buy your tickets!

Jamie Sauder