We run ours using Madison block bracketing. The key to a mixers success is having the right number of kids. We have 136 kids entered and will run approximately 130 matches on 3 mats. The number of kids is important to ensure the you have the right kind of match-ups. My rule of thumb is 45 kids per mat, this keeps the time for each round to approximately the same as a full team, quality dual. For the model to work you need at least 3 mats, 120 plus kids, and coaches who are willing to rank their kids appropriately. This model was developed to avoid matching a highly skilled kid with a first or second year wrestler. If those things are happening, you are not inviting enough schools, or coaches are not ranking kids appropriately.

The key benefits I see
1. We get 3 matches for 2 points vs appropriate skill level competition.
2. We avoid Saturdays
3. We treat it like a ball game.