Everyone forgets or has not been around long enough to know. There are several of us that have been fighting for this for 20 plus years back when there was on a hand full of girls. The sport of girls wrestling has been around for a long time even before I got heavily involved. If you want girls wrestling to grow you have to give a little to get a lot. Back when I was proposing to KSHAA 10 + years ago with Rick Bowden. His exact words to me, "they don't even have a girl division in kids wrestling so why should there be in high school". That is why we have been fighting and trying to get girls division in kids. If you want to blame someone for this, blame me and all of us that have been fighting for it for years. We new what had to be done and kept fighting to raise awareness and participation to get it thru. I seen an opportunity to bring the fight back to the fore front and a possible win finally. So I went for it and it passed. Instead of complaining about progress why not be happy for the advancement in the sport. The only way to get it to grow more is to get girls away from boys so these dads that have a problem with their daughters wrestling boys. Now they can get behind the sport and actually realize that girls can be fierce competitors also.