Originally Posted by Prant Garker
BREAKING: someone has replaced the Team Top Hat head coach's head with a bowling ball. But it's not a regular bowling ball, it's one that is like...extra large and squishy. And now he's just walking around with this big squishy bowling ball on top of his blazer like some sort of modern Ichabod Crane.

Someone please alert Kansas Coliseum security.

Originally Posted by Prant Garker
BREAKING: someone has replaced the Team Top Hat head coach's head with a bowling ball. But it's not a regular bowling ball, it's one that is like...extra large and squishy. And now he's just walking around with this big squishy bowling ball on top of his blazer like some sort of modern Ichabod Crane.

Someone please alert Kansas Coliseum security.

Someone please alert Kansas Hartman Arena security*

Although I vote we protest and March to take back the coliseum for strictly the state tournaments with 4a-6a under one roof and the classic back in the horse barns!

Hey Butt-Head what did people do before they invented TV?
Don't be stupid Beavis there's always been TV, there's just more channels now.
Oh yeah, heh heh hehe... progress is cool. Heh hehe heh