Hi, was wondering what determines these rankings? Logan Courtois has pinned the #4 ranked kid at 6a 120, beat the #2 ranked kid at 5a 113, beat #5 ranked 5a 120, pinned the #3 ranked kid at 4a 113 two times, pinned the #4 ranked 4a 113, he's 38-2 with 35 pins. His only kansas loss is the #1 ranked 123a 120 pound kid by 2 points. He pinned his way through regionals. Seems odd he'd only be 6 even though he's going into state as a 1 seed. All year kids have lost and moved around and Logan has just sat at #6. Do you just take into account matches he's wrestled against kids from out west?

This isn't me being judgmental or upset, just curious. Thanks