This topic has been and always will be argued on and on. A avid believer in the thought that 4A was the toughest. I think the best way is to say "which classification is the most evenly competed". Back in the day when is seemed common place for a 5A or 6A team title to won with 200 plus points and a 4A title could be won with under 100 points (pre 6 place days) it is obvious where the paridy lies. Yes it seems the big D-1 one guys come from the big schools but the "teams" they were apart of could not compete with the great 4A and under teams of the same time period. When the word toughest is argued we sometimes forget about that kid who never won a state title or even placed, but yet never got majored. And there a ton of those small town kids out there that fit that bill. I would like to see the statistics of State Tourney match scores as far as number of wins by falls, t-falls, majors, and decisions by class to throw into the stats...