Once again its all going to come down to where each teams wrestlers get matched up, who ever has the easiest 1st and 2nd round matches is probably going to take this tourny.
I think Abilene has a pretty good draw on about 5 weights out of 8. I think a very nice draw came to Palmer who has the good possibility of making the semis. Ross has a road that I think is pretty simple, but then again you could put him against anyone in the bracket and he'll major them at least.

Kind of odd that Abilene, Clay Center, and SFT went 1,2,3 with 8,9, and 10 qualifiers.

I said SFT to win state at the Begining of the year, but who knows now, could be a really fun race to watch.

Yours in wrestling,

The Swayz
swayz.wrestling@gmail.com recruiting help, promoting the sport& more!