Originally posted by Chief Renegade:
Growing up in Oklahoma, my all-time fast food favorite is Taco Bueno. I have had to put up with Bell and Via since I've been in Kansas. They opened a Taco Bueno on the turnpike to Topeka about a year and a half ago. It's 52 miles from my house so I try to schedule as many Topeka tournaments for my team as I can. They actually bought me a shirt at our banquet that says, "Will wrestle for Taco Bueno". Somebody also mentioned "Jimmy's Egg" in OKC. I love that place too, with their sausage and cream cheese omelettes.
Chief, I love Bueno too especially the MexiDip and Chips. I say we get a group and road trip down to Oklahoma eat some Bueno and Jimmy's Egg and then hit up the Wrestling HOF and other sites and a dual or two at a local college!

Yours in wrestling,

The Swayz
swayz.wrestling@gmail.com recruiting help, promoting the sport& more!