Originally posted by T-Bird 171#:
Norton gets the trophy, but that's 321A, Abilene gets my vote cause its 4A
OK, the Abilene regional may be tough, but the Coffeyville regional is very tough as well.

You all put WAY too much stock in rankings. I barely know of any coaches from the South who send those dang things in, that's why all the "best teams" are from the central and the North. I tell you something, I bet Columbus is the best darn wrestling team in the state right now.

However, that Hesston 3-2-1a regional is incredibly weak. My freshman year, when Caney was 3a, we went to that regional. I wasn't very good, so I didn't qualify, but it still was very weak. That's why all the wrestlers around here pray that we're 3a, because if we're 4a, we have to go to one of the toughest regionals in 4a, but if we're 3a, we have THE easiest regional in 3-2-1a.

"I hate basketball! I'd rather watch paint dry!" -- CVHS Wrestling coach Troy Lentz 2005