This dingbat person doesn't really even know me Lucas so I lend no weight to any of his comments. And I fully agree with Mr Salyer's comments about the trash talking. If he was trying to "ruffle my feathers" he did a poor job. At best he got a good chuckle out of me. As for the least like person, it makes no difference to me, I find that amusing as well. Nothing more tha na cry for attention from Mr. BigPin. But as I have always said, if your not going to post with your real name on here and take responsibility for your actions and comments then you can't even begin to insult someone. To my recollection no one on this board who has ever said a negative thing about me has put their real name on a post, nor have they ever talked to me or said it to me in person. So one must ask themselves how much weight could you possibly put in the statement of a so-called "man" who posts behind the secrecy of a false name. Isn't he funny Lucas?

William Nigel Isom
KSHSAA Official # 14274
USAWKS # 577
Riley KS