If it is true that the venue is being removed, it is too bad. I have met some really great people because of my becoming familiar with their character from what I have read here, and some that I would not like to meet. One has to select the topics that are of their interest, and ignore those remarks that grate on whatever level of tolerance that they have. Some folks will accept more than others, but in the end I have to agree with Furches-- the loss of this chance to express oneself and exchange ideas is the best forum that I know of, and the only one that I participate in. I look on the wrestling forum as sort of a big community wrestling practice room that is open 24-7 for anyone in the community to experiment with new ideas, strategies, etc. As long as no one comes in and tears stuff up or paints obscenities on the wall, the place can stay open and everyone that chooses to participate or watch can benifit. Alas, it appears that lately too many people have vandalised the practice room or used it for purposes it was never intended to facilitate. Because of a few individuals that have chosen to challenge a liberal censorship policy, the entire community that has come together so well when there have been crises of various sorts (I think of Tyler and Swayz, recently) is now in danger of losing the ability to communicate at a moment's notice. Possibly when those who have put the considerable effort into the creation and maintenance of this site decide that it has become too much of a monster to handle, the true gravity of the loss will sink in. As for others reviving a 100% tolerant, anything goes forum to replace this one, I believe that it will not ever see the light of a screen because of the incredible amount of work it is to create, and the fact that the lion's share of those that enjoy it as it is will not be interested in reading items of a personal or demeaning nature, which with no censorship will happen frequently , in my view. My utmost respect goes out to mr. Phillips and his collegues, and also my encouragement to continue to operate the forum, even as tough as it is sometimes. This is not meant as an attack toward the people that have brought this about by posting frequent items of questionable taste, demeaning or inflammatory comments toward others, etc. I just think it is a shame that a very small percentage of those that read this forum have brought this to the point that it is. My recommendation is that if another forum is to be created, if those who find this one to be a bit too stifling would just create a new forum now and vacate this one, then possibly everyone would be happy. As I said, none of this is meant to inflame anyone or group of folks, I just think that the gap in what is tolerable or in acceptable taste has become so wide that this forum is not capable of serving all.