Originally posted by Prant Garker:
Mr. Phippen, I just wish I was a champion of something other than the Lawrence South 8/9 tournament.

We can talk about Grand State all we want, but I agree with the coaches and think a dual state would be WAY cooler. (Mainly because I would get to participate.) This is because Manhattan is the best dual team in the history of the world. For real. The world. We would beat a team made up of the Superfriends, Rocky, the Thundercats, Captain Planet, Rambo and Denver the Last Dinosaur.
HOLY CRAP! Denver, the Last Dinosaur?! I FREAKIN' REMEMBER THAT SHOW!!! Now I got the theme stuck in my head; I hate you... :p

I do agree that a dual state would be cool. Especially if it was a GRAND Dual state...

"I hate basketball! I'd rather watch paint dry!" -- CVHS Wrestling coach Troy Lentz 2005