Mr. Salyer,

The problem with Kapun was on going through the 70's and 80's. What I said was they had been "rebuked", not sanctioned, not placed on probation, not made to forfeit games. They took a shot across their bow from the KSHSAA in the late 70's which put a stop to much of that sort of behavior on their part, obviously not all of it if their football team finally got slapped in the mid 80's.

Many who cry for the return of Grand State are not old enough to remember the years that we had it. It is easy to romanticize the meet, but for those of us who participated in it it meant: another week of practice after a long season already, another weighin, and a long road trip to Hays.

It too, was a hard meet to get up for. For many, their childhood dreams had been fulfilled the week before and they just wanted to stand in the sunshine for awhile. Richard, jse, LancerM, Aaron, until you have walked in those shoes it hard to accuse those who felt that way of "not being true competitors".

The best of luck with your knee, Mark.

Best regards,
Time Stands Still