Ahhh Mr. Salyer. After reading this forum for the past 2 years, and watching you on the sidelines at Circle Football & Wrestling events, I feel compelled to ask: Which 2 coaches did you 'head up' to get rid of? And, who may I ask, is the next lucky victim?
If by chance, you are referring to the resignation of Coach Fager, you give yourself way too much credit. Your phone calls and general harassment of our coaches and administrators came to be known as quite a 'bragging right'. Who will the lucky coach/administrator be this week? (note sarcasm) I know for a fact that the resignation of Coach Fager had nothing to do with you or your friend, Mr. Norris. This was something that was in the works for awhile. Your phone calls to parents after Coach resigned, where you stated: I got rid of that coach for you, were nothing but a joke among the parents at Circle. Your theatrics at football games & wrestling tournaments only added to the list of reasons why the parents at Circle, and the coaches/administrators are glad you are no longer associated with this high school.
You may think I only speak for myself, but you are wrong, I can guarantee you that I speak for a vast majority of parents at Circle.

Best Regards