Well Coach Lane im sure in your extremely obscure way of thinking it could appear like blame. But then again that wouldn't make much sense. As I stated before it was hypothetical that I said they could have won. One was a state finalist the year before, the other was a third place finsher, it stands to reason that they could have repeated their performance. So they did not? So what? Like I said they gave their best effort and thats all that can be asked for. All I said is that IF they had won their matches it would have been a different story, call that an excuse if yo uwant to it makes no difference to me. Little buster (im assuming your father must be Big buster? lol) what blowing up have I done? I'm sick of reiterating the fact that i was not upset when Abilene got second quite the opposite so I don't think I'll need to say that again. Furthermore I will go on record as saying that I don't know how the team will be next year,the loss of two seniors and many state points will hurt, what i can say is that they will be in the top 5 again next year. I only know of one freshman who will make an immediate impact for the team ther emay be others. If SC repeats good for them, if they don't I suppose I can come on here and reply to every comment they make and say that those comments are excuses which is pretty much what they've all been doing to me which is kinda dumb.

Moeder while your post doesn't even warrant a response I will do so none the less out of shear boredom. Me not being on the team has nothing to do with it. I never said I was. They on the other hand seemed to think it was them out their wrestling scoring the points for SC and thus winning the title (which reminds me if they really were then they've certainly shown a lot of class since then!) . If Abilene has won state again I can promise you I woulnd't have been on here saying that stuff. If you will notice in every single post I have made since I graduated on this site I have NEVER once used to word WE to describe my relationship with the Abilene team. I have always said Abilene this, and Abilene that. I've done this for the specific reason, that being the fact that I am in fact not part of the Abilene high school wrestling team. Any success they have has absolutly no relationship to me, likewise any failure they have is not my fault either. They determine thier own destiny. Which is why it kinda bothers me when people associate me and my oppinions with the current team. Like ybsmall, who seems to think that I am such an important person that I represent the whole of Abilene. So I guess likewise I guess I can say that whatever town that he comes from much be pretty poor too since they are all a bunch of judgemental idiots! (for those of you who don't know I'm being sarcastic and proving a point). My only wish is that all the people who have nothing better to do than say somethng negative about me would come say it to me instead of on this site. Trust me i'm around, im refing tournaments every weekend, Don't be afraid to reveal yourself, im not going to hurt you. But stand up for what you say, don't be an internet jockey knowing you can hide behind your words.

William Nigel Isom
KSHSAA Official # 14274
USAWKS # 577
Riley KS