My son is in the 8 and under and we won't ever have a six and under wrestler in our family. Our daughter doesn't have an interest in the sport. I won't live through either of them as I was not a wrestler. My interests are finding a way to help them their interests, not mine. I don't have any ulterior motives for wanting 6 and unders at the State Tournament other than seeing those little guys/gals try to win in that atmosphere.

They pay their money for a card and membership just like everyone else. Do these 6 and under kids pay anything during the year that is used for the State Tournament? I really know very little about the financial aspect of Kansas Kids Wrestling. I am sure someone can fill me in right after my post. How is the state tourney funded?

Why exclude them based on age? Some of them won't be mature enough to handle state at any age, some will be at 6, let the parents decide. Sure they will cry when they lose, a lot of them do this every weekend if they lose, this isn't just 6 and unders.

From a common sense standpoint why would any organization exclude 1654 members/participants for any reason from attempting to show the skills they have learned in front of the big crowd? I really enjoy watching the six and unders try.

I hadn't thought about it till I reviewed my post but many girls might have a better chance of winning at the six and under age now also. Don't know if this is sexist or not but many don't participate past age 10 when there seems to be a change in strength between the sexes.

Everything that is done to encourage any wrestler breeds more insight/interest about my son's sport, that only encourages more to join. We only get better as the competition gets better. Wrestling in Kansas appears hampered by the regulations from KSHAA about participation in tournaments during the athletes athletic season.(I know that is a whole other issue) Is eliminating 6 and unders at state in their own age bracket another method of hampering? I know my son would be discouraged this year if I told him he had to bump up to 10 and under to make it to state.

How would it affect the interest if we told our 16 year olds we had decided to allow 18 year olds and they would have to bump up also or wrestle in a combined 16 and 18 year old bracket?

I really don't know what will happen, I would vote for 6 and under wrestlers and 16 and under at our State in Topeka or anyplace it had to be to accomodate all of them.

I have rambled on long enough. Hope everyone has a successful end of the year. My son/family has really enjoyed learning the little we do about wrestling. Discussion only breeds new ideas.