I sit here reading that there are a bunch of parents who think they have 6 yr old olympians. Maybe some 6's are having fun competing. I also run a split practice and tonight was game night. We play dodgeball. My 6 year old pulled off his shirt and was in the middle of our advanced boys getting hit and loving it. Dont assume to say that all little kids are wrestling because their parents make them. My son has been matside since he was one and being rough housed by older boy's and has always loved it. Im sorry you believe me to be trying to make olympians that is not my intention. Even if 6's were allowed next year he will be in 8's so thats not the point. I dont believe he would win state(dont tell him)I just know he likes to compete at everything. Simple things like 1st to put on his seatbelt. Where did I go wrong, I've pushed him to far.
Jon Murray