Of the choices below, which place would you be most likely to eat at after making weight?


Where would you be most likely to eat after weighing in?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 01/01/70 12:00 AM
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Where would you be most likely to eat after a tournament?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 01/01/70 12:00 AM
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Where would you be most likely to eat after a dual?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 01/01/70 12:00 AM
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Whats the worst?
single choice
Votes accepted starting: 01/01/70 12:00 AM
You must vote before you can view the results of this poll.

We want fun 'cos we medically need it!
We want fun either take it, or leave it!
We want fun, and you might as well face it!
We want to have fun, and we want to get wasted!
-Andrew W. K.