SR Larson:

"I would have hoped that recent world events would have shown you that religious believes
have killed enslaved ripped apart more communities families than it can ever create.
Its what happens when some people condemn others
based on religious their beliefs."

You have good points but let me give you thoughts to ponder. The GOD of Christianity is "LOVE." A common belief to this GOD of "LOVE" is that mankind was created for his glory. In other words, we were created to honor GOD in everything we do; including work, sports, education, eating, and sleeping. There are requirements of LOVE. I imagine you might be caught up with the "why do bad things happen" attitude. That’s ok; its common to most every living person. The simplest way to explain this to you is that GOD created mankind with a "FREE WILL." This "Free Will" enables a human to choose to do something for GOD's honor, other good, or bad actions. We give glory to GOD, or show our LOVE for GOD by "CHOOSING" to follow his word. His word is know as the HOLY BIBLE.

Why do we have FREE WILL? Good question. Without it, there would be no evil present in the world. However, we would exist as robots; unable to show love for God. Following the word of God is a choice necessary to show our LOVE for God. Guess what else. We were created to LOVE God and to glorify him. Yes, the Christian God is a conceited God. The Christian God is not the same God as Allah or other Gods from various world religions. I can give you a brief background of most major religions such as Jew, Muslim, Jehovah Witness, Mormon, and Hindu. Look at for reliable answers about Christianity and other religions. You may also email others your questions about religion.

"People tend to believe like those around them so they won't be different. But when there are people who believe differently why are the religious the first to condemn?"

Yes Christians are hypocrites, condemners, and even can be murderers. You will find this present of any religion or atheist. Mankind is immune to living a sinless life. Feel free to name one person who has never been in the wrong. The difference between a Christian who messes up and an unbeliever is that a Christian has an influence of God within him (holy spirit) that will mold him into a more Christ like (sinless) person over the course of their life. A true Christian will feel condemned (guilty) when they do wrong and will attempt to fix their problems where as an unbeliever will typically not feel remorse for their wrong doings.

I know you can argue this. I left this knowledge on a simple level so you could understand some basics.


Jason Ross
Spring Hill