"Why dodn't the Jews believe in the Christ's first coming if prophecy was correct?"

When you look at Jesus and His relationship with the Jewish people in the first century, the Jewish leaders didn’t accept Him because of His claims to deity. Most struggled with believing that a poor son of a carpenter could be their savior. I mean come on, they knew his mother. They did not believe the Messiah would be divine. They balked at His interpretation of the law, that He was weaving through the lines saying, 'Hey, you are into all the traditions and rituals, but you are forgetting some of the weightier things, the love, the compassion, the justice. So what if you have clean cups. What about the heart? That needs to be clean.' He was saying some pretty rebuking things to the Jewish community in the first century in telling them that they needed to repent, they needed a Savior, they needed a Messiah. Jesus was also breaking their man made laws. An example is when Jesus healed a person on the Sabbath today. That was a big no no. Most Jews were afraid to even mention Gods name, where as Jesus claimed that he was God. In the first century it was pretty clear cut why they wouldn’t accept Him. Imagine if you were the president, and some poor guy started telling you that you were out of line.

All of jesus' followers were initially Jewish. Jesus had thousands of jewish followers by the time the apostles came along. Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost and lots more jews accepted Christ. Galileans and others accepted Jesus as their savior as well.


"Have you read any of the KORAN or the Old Testament that may conflict with this prophecy."

The Quran has more questions in that book than answers. For example, there is a violent tone of many of the Qur'anic passages (especially against the unbelievers but also against the Jewish and Christian people). This is completly different than the emphasis on love in the New Testament. One particular passage that will trouble some can be found in Sura 5:51.

"O ye who believe! Take not Jews and Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust."

However, a more troubling section of the Qur'an has to do with the character of the prophet Muhammad himself. According to Sura 33:37, God sanctions Muhammad's desire to marry the divorced wife of his own stepson, "in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And God's command must be fulfilled."

Muhammed is suppossed to be the most perfect and ideal moral for mankind and yet the Qur'an had a good number of examples of how the "revelations" could be so self-serving to the prophet himself!

The koran claims jesus to be a prophet where the bible claims jesus to be our savior. Heres a question. Ask a muslim if a prophet can lie. Their answer is typically no. If jesus is a prophet, and jesus was a prophet, than jesus must be the savior because he claimed to be.

John 10:30
In a debate about Jesus' identity, He says: "I and My Father are one" (NKJV). Thus He declared Himself to be equal with God the Father.

This is a self-checking passage. We could debate for a long time exactly what Jesus might have meant, but the next verse leaves no doubt about what He communicated to His immediate audience. They took up stones again. They knew that once again He had claimed deity for Himself.

Luke 22:70 and Parallel Passages in Matthew and Mark

Here Jesus is on trial before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council. After some futile efforts to convict Him on various charges, the priest and his associates turn to Jesus directly and question Him. Eventually they ask Him, "Are you the Son of God?" Jesus responds, "Yes, I am." It appears that we have a double claim here. Jesus acknowledges that He is the Son of God and also uses "I am" in His response as recorded by Luke.

This would be a good link that talks about some basic conflicts between the bible and the koran.


"And do you know when this prophecy was written, before or after Jesus' death?"

Seven hundred years before Jesus was born, the Book of Isaiah (found in the Old Testament) prophesied the coming of the Messiah. Jesus not only fulfilled these prophecies, but also fulfilled over 300 other specific statements about the Messiah found throughout the Old Testament. Prophecys can be found in the old testament. The old testament was written before jesus full filled prophecy. Old testament was written in a range from approx. 100 bc to 1000bc. I would have to look up the dates to be sure.

The old testament prophecies a savior. The new testament explains how jesus fullfilled the prophicies and died for our sins.