Lee Larson from Manhattan is a pretty good wrestler that no one knows. His record this year is somewhere around 20-7, with losses coming to Scott from Smith Center, Marrs from Clay Center(I think 3 close losses to this guy), Pietrizljoihrhpxzzod from Salina South, Butler from JC, and Ehret from Washburn Rural. That is quite a list of wrestlers to have to wrestle in one year. A lot of these matches have been close too. Watch for this guy to shock a few people at state. He has placed 3rd at Newton and 4th at Beloit, with loses to Marrs at Newton and Marrs again at Beloit as well as Scott.

So this kid is putting on his shoes right, and his mom says, honey you're putting your shoes on the wrong feet, and the little kid says, no mom these are my feet