I can't take credit for these since I got them off of another wrestling web site, but thought you might enjoy them.

You Know You're a Wrestler When.............

cauliflower isn't a vegetable.

you can't wait for Christmas...because you'll get 2 pounds.

shoving cotton in your nose seems normal.

you wonder how much hair weighs.

the coach asks you to do 50 pushups and you think "that's it?"

you see someone bend over and you imagine how easy it would be to put them in a cradle.

you won't even take a nap on your back.

you won't lock your hands when hugging your girlfriend.

your coach tells you "cut him" and a knife doesn't cross your mind.

you see someone lying on their back and you feel the urge to slap the ground beside them.

Gyms look weird without mats on the floor.

you'll know exactly how much weight you will lose when you take off your shoes.

you have a black eye but don't remember how it might have happened.

you "daydream" about meeting the captain of the basketball team on the mat.

asics, cliff keen, and brute are more familiar to you than nike or reebok.

You tape your shoe laces before the Prom.

You have to go to the bathroom before weigh-ins, and guys high-five you because of it.

You know you are a BAD wrestler when you know how many lights and ceiling tiles are in every gym near your home town.