Belleville has around 9 wrestlers out- I say this because each day seems to change but the number at practice is around 9. We will lose alot of seniors this season and we will have a hard time replacing them as JR High doesn't have alot. Our Jr. High starts in Feb so we are not sure of numbers but I wouldn't think we had very many.

We have a number of new seniors out that are doing very well. Tyler Frye wrestled a bit his freshman season but hasn't been out since, Nate Larkins is new this year and is doing ok, Dave Marsh is back out after on and off wrestling, Josh Weatherhead is looking to be wrestle tonight and he hasn't wrestled much in high school if at all. So alot of new seniors to help the numbers but the younger kids are not there to replace them. I believe we have 3 freshmen this season on the team,1 sophomore, 1-Junior,6-seniors as our count this morning- could change before we leave for St. John's Military