Gents, as y'all know this is my final post and now I got a mad on. I just got back here to the trailor house and it's way after 9am and I'm gonna have to call in sick at work. By God, it was just an awful night. Everything was going just as I predicted when the Ft. Scott kid ignites a little fire that spreads like wild across a KS prairie. Madl and Hurla catch on and next thing we know is there's a pretty good case of KS red arse a goin'. That sawed-off, gutsy little Hurla and that Bowen boy done made a liar out of me on this public forum an humiliated me. But, that ain't the half of it. As I was leaving the gym, some KS hs coach, maybe from one of them catholic schools with a mad-on spots me sneakin' out with them poor folks from Misery. He rabbit punches me behind my ear and it felt like he had a rock in his hand or a sock o'nickles and another one gives me a froggie in the thigh. Now, I'm have dizzy spells and can't pronounce my r's and I sound just like Elmer Fud. I kept tellin the docto and the police that I was mugged at a westlin god someone just pulled up the trailor house with what looks like a live bear, a pink tutu and a video camera. Looks like it's some of them serious boys from ks has found me. I gotta make a run for it but i got a limp from the froggie. If you miss gutstench, you can find me with a real mad on over on the board.

Truly yours,
