Originally posted by mikechurch:
Originally posted by Nigel Isom:
Originally posted by mchurchJR.:
We do need to get rid of that stupid rule of if a coach talks to a ref it's a warning! Clarification or not... it's a dumb rule.. If a coach feels the need to argue... then it should be fine.
Yeah thats not going to happen, and thank goodness for that. We gotta have something to keep the coaches out of control, otherwise they would be up at the coaches table every single call and we'd never get through a match.
Now Nigel... it was up for vote at our regional meeting! So it's possible. Nigel, I'm not saying it's o.k. to go up there every call made. That can get ridiculous and most coaches wont do that. Only a select few. But there have been sometimes where an athlete needed to be defended and when I go up to ask I get that oh so nice "There's your warning coach". Even when I was just asking for clarification so I can tell my wrestler what he needs or does not need to do! Remember, this sport if for wrestlers... not for officials!

Nigel, I wished you would work your way towards the middle of Kansas so we could see you work. I don't know you personally, but I have seen you wrestle. I want to see you behind the whistle. I applaud any young talent out there in the officiating world. We need you bad! You need to all get together and build and association to help you get your pay increased and get what your worth. Good luck! See you at the table!!!!!!!!! hahaha!
Nigel works Topeka to Hays and down to Wichita...he hits all stops!

Yours in wrestling,

The Swayz
swayz.wrestling@gmail.com recruiting help, promoting the sport& more!