The class of 2001 as well as the class of 2002 produced a different calibur of wrestler than Kansas is producing now. We will probably never see another Shawn Bunch, Joe Johnston, or Ben Coleman, Josh Carrol, or Justin Dyer. Guys like that, which the 01 and 02 classes were full of, would completely dominate any state champion from todays ranks. I will admit that Baldridge, Cornejo, and Deshazer were all amazing, but do you really think they would stand a chance against Bunch? Starting in 2003 the level of Kansas wrestling began to drop and is still now starting to get back on track, sort of. All of the kids you have on your list are like, 130 lbs and under for the most part. The most physical and toughest weight classes start after that and keep going up until 215/HWT. Your list is full of guys who dominate lesser opponents when back in the day people lost more because they had tougher opponents week in and week out. Example, I would have placed no higher than 5th in 2001, no higher than 4th in 2002, and 2nd in 2003(comparing my talent as a senior to the level of competition that year). In 2004 I was undefeated until the last match at state, which probably says more about the lack of competition than my ability as a wrestler.