Good response scholar.
The duals is just one measure not the measure and I certainly realize this. But it does show something important to this discussion. Earlier you made a comment along the lines of compairing OKs 1st to PA and OHs 4th or 5th and that is what got me. I agree that OH and PAs top 4 at each weight are better than OKs top 4 at each weight but they should be. Come on, look at the population disparity. But PA and OHs 1st at each weight are not always better than OKs 1st at each weight and that is what the duals help show. OKs top 12 (the number of weights at the duals) are as good as anyone's top 12 and better than most. I think that the results I gave help show that the duals are well attended and you cannot take anything away from Oklahoma's wins and success at the duals. They would just be excuses. I also know in the last five years OK has not done that well at the HS Nationals. There are reasons that I could give as to why, but they would just be excuses. Go back fifteen years though and you would have a different view. Also, you cannot just look at last year or even the last five years at the SR Nationals. I am more concerned with the results at Fargo which I already have explained why are more important to OK than the HS Nationals and I am sure that you would agree are well attended by everyone. Post those results. OK won the whole thing in 1998. I agree that OK is not as deep as PA and OH or perhaps even NY, NJ or CA but again how could you expect them to be with the disparity in population. Those states have cities with more people than the whole state of OK. But OKs best are the best or at least close to it. Earlier in the history of wrestling, even just twenty years ago OK took wrestling much more serious than other states and therefor could maintain an edge dispite their small population. As each year goes by and those big states take wrestling more serious it will be increasingly difficult for OK to keep up and I could see the gap widening. And I did not say 10 Olympians, they have had tons of those. I said 10 OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS.