Deere family trip update

INternet is scarce, even a dial up connection in our cabin headquarters in the lincoln forest in Ruidoso. I am writing from the Quarters Bar in Ruidoso, across from a group of bikers giving me the evil eye as i gave them a description of Waunita (most of the females in their group could be her evil or not so evil twin.) If you have never been in this area you should come out sometime, it is a nice resort area that just recently is booming.

As we pulled out of Big Texan Steakhouse and hotel Amarillo on Sunday, the Kinks LOLA came on the xm radio, a sure sign that we are on the right track. We saw the most recent entry in the free 72 oz steak eater and we are dead sure it was her. I also found Swayz number carved into the bathroom stall.

We will retrace our roots back to Roswell on the 5th to hit the UFO festival hard. We have many pictures from our photo safari and have only a couple of black eyes to show......

Swayz, drop us a line, we need your help