Reporting live from the tropical temperatures of the dormitories! The Jubster and I have 3 fans blowing on us ... and it is not cool! While I type the temperature in Fargo is 86 and the heat index is 94!!

We've had our first heat casualty on Team Kansas. The Jubster cannot get his photos to upload from the camera to his laptop. He is currently working on the problem and doesn't appear promising! He just went looking for a bigger hammer!

Those of you that closely read the brackets, know that some young men that might have been contenders, are out. A few others will have brutal matches in the morning, especially Joe Bach. Joe has Jared Platt of New Jersey. Platt is arguably the number one wrestler in the Nation.

This evenings session was rough ... tomorrows session will be really rough. We'll see how things shake out!

Last edited by usawks1; 07/26/07 10:21 AM.

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant