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Incoming freshmen are always harder to predict, but in the lower weights there are many that will place very high at State. In many cases the Kid's State brackets give you a glimpse of what to expect. In the examples above, Vesta, Locke and Heincker competed in the 14/100 bracket where Locke beat Vesta in a very close match and Heincker beat Locke in the finals. A little more subjectivity comes in with Aaron Seybold. His potential is what carried more weight in my ranking. Having said that, it would not at all surprise me if Vesta beat any of those guys on a given day. After the two upper classmen at the top, the margins are very thin. With Pursel, you have a kid that has only lost to two Kansas kids in 5 years and has many national honors. All in all, freshmen are certainly unpredictable. That's part of the fun of it all!

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12