While I am somewhat reluctant (and humbled and maybe a little miffed) to accept Sawyer's criticisms of my last post (as he was pretty quick to point out) I can't find alot of fault or criticism with it. He's probably right.

Who knows? I certainly don't. I don't even have a "dog" invested in the outcome. I guess I was just trying to hang on for some unknown reason to inject some personal relevance to the approaching season.

You know guys like Sawyer, the chief, and many some others, know alot more about this stuff than guys like me ever will. I have never had any trouble in these admissions. Their contributions have admittedly added alot to my spectator status/season and I always appreciated it.

But hey guys, Just don't forget that everyonce in awhile, some out-of-the-loop, uninformed guy like myself, uninformed,with no particular agenda, for some reason choose, to inject their self into the discussion We (i.e. "I" )don't need (want) to feel embarrased, humiliated or labeled as some "rumor-monger" - I only hope that that is not how I was percive - it certainly was not my intent.

Honestly, Salyer: I didn't take it personally. I've read your posts and have come ( in the main) to admire them, and for that matter, you, as a stauch advocate of Kansas high school wrestling. I kinda looked at you and the chief at the "go-to-guys" of Kansas wrestling, even though I am well aware that you guys have your differences.

Pretty much, I'm outa here fella's. I no longer have a dog in the fight and I'll hereafter content myself to the commentaries of others. But that is not to say that I just may offer a comment every now and then.

Thanks alot everyone.