I went to the Rose Hill, Clearwater Dual, Clearwater won fairly easily and is a much better team than I anticipated. I went hoping to see Furches and Sparr wrestle against each other. That didn't happen, Furches was announced at 125, and was bumped up to 130, he looked small even at 125 and I anticipate seeing him at 119 this year. While a little rusty, you guys need to consider him, he is certainly back and it was great to see him on the mat. His opponent injury defaulted after the start of the 2nd when Furches was leading 5-0, the Rose Hill wrestler chose neutral, Furches locked up, threw the Rose Hill Wrestler who landed on his ankle or knee and was unable to continue. So, for those asking where Furches is, he is for sure back. Sparr also looked tough and watching them with each other after the dual they looked to be about the same size so I don’t think Furches will have any trouble getting down to weight if he goes to 119.

Big ol boys just aren't all that fast, and Yellow and Black is where it is at.