Originally Posted By: Mike Furches
Know one of the things that get me, price of oil is down, price of gas goes up. Insurance salesman, used car dude, attorney (with exception of Barry Disney and a few others). Above all, I have lost respect for the greedy oil companies or whoever it is that keeps pricing the gas prices up.

Mike, I certainly agree with you that we cannot afford to have greed determining higher prices of oil and gasoline. I think the $4 gallon price of gasoline was a major factor in the economic slowdown and recession that we are currently experincing. Of course the subprime mortgage mess and the effects it has had on the housing industry was also crucial in this current economic slowdown.

Gasoline looks pretty reasonable right now compared to those $4 a gallon prices which were extremely difficult for lower to middle income families and also hit businesses hard. The only good thing I see from those high prices is that it has had an impact in changing our consumption habits. I think you see a lot more carpooling, riding buses to work and more efficient vehicles on the road now even with the lower gasoline prices today.

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
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