1. Jake Gentzler - 10 - AC - 5A
2. Jeff Vesta - 12 - MH - 6A
3. Garrett Jones - 11 - ARK - 5A
4. Zac Sparr - 12 - RH - 4A
5. Nathan Furches - 12 - CL - 4A
6. Tyler Stokes - 12 - GE - 5A
7. James Wauer - 12 - WA - 5A
8. Zach Tanenbaum - 10 - BVN - 6A
9. Dondre Davis - 12 - WH - 6A
10. Dan Weigel - 12 - PL - 321A

James Wauer is ranked. He has some quality wins under his belt which means he is capable of knocking off anyone anytime but unfortunately he has some losses to mediorce wrestlers in his past seasons so it hurts his overall evaluation by the KWCA 5A Coach/ranker.

Just because he isn't ranked in the 5A rankings doesn't mean anything to me. The Chief's rankings are much more accurate and thought through.

I would much rather see the Chief's rankings published in Wrestling USA's rankings than some coach's effort. A coach should coach, not rank. End of story. Greg Buckbee is a great guy, a great coach, but he doesn't even aspire to be a good ranker. USA Wrestling wants someone to rank Kansas wrestlers for their publication. Since the KWCA has not empowered an unbiased, noncoach ranker then Eric is the ONLY option Kansans have. It WILL not hurt anyone's chances of being recruited. Furthermore, if you want to see ranking drama just go out to the High School section of themat.com. The national rankings are so full of forced assumptions. These publications use summer tournaments, coach opinions, top tournament finishes (unfortunately Kansans are NOT permitted to compete in any of the big three tournaments frequently cited by National rankers so Kansan's recruiting opportunities and publicity are DAMAGED by not being allowed to compete there), furthermore they basically consider our state tournaments on par with a regional in other states because of the small population base and the fact we crown four state champions. So... someone HAS TO HAVE AN OPINION or we get NO publicity.

I have just thoroughly reviewed all of the rankings and I detect NO BIASED rankings, ANYWHERE!

Chief!!!! What about my question... 4A or 5A???

Last edited by Cokeley; 02/18/09 06:47 PM.

Will Cokeley