A critical point that many posters are missing....

Disagreements are fine and I have never taken them personally. I have solicited help from every willing source to improve the accuracy of the rankings. I can search results for many hours each week and still miss common opponents or even head-to-heads. What doesn't contribute to the rankings are vague comments or generalities. I have stated clearly many times that I appreciate any material criteria. Hundreds of times I have taken that criteria and changed the rankings. What I can't do is try to guess what someone means when they say that "I'm just biased". That adds nothing to the conversation.

With 4 classes across the state, there are many times when there are no commons or head-to-heads. Quality wins or State tournament placing's have to be considered. At the end of the day, I have just tried to have fun with the rankings and enjoy trying to promote Kansas wrestlers. I can assure you that I spend a lot of time every day attempting to make them accurate. For anyone to really think that I have something personal against your wrestler ask yourself, why would I? I have helped assemble many of our National dual teams and I sponsor a Kansas team for the Park Hill duals every year. Like everybody that loves this sport, I just want the best wrestlers that Kansas has to offer to represent our state.

Again, disagreements actually help the rankings as long as they are accompanied by criteria. Emotional comments without rationale are just noise.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12