Nice move Bigpinhead22. That is some slick back tracking.
Way to edit your original post while I was writing my response to make it look like you said "Let XGHSWC keep crying" when we all know that you said "Let him keep crying" as verified in Molloy's response containing your quote. I will say though that for the sake of argument you were not directing it at Windham as you say. But clearly there no defense for this comment below.

Originally Posted By: BigPin22
Windaham is certainly good, but how many seniors are actually at 103lbs. Getting 3rd at senior nationals is a great accomplishment, however there are many underclassmen at such a small weight that could easily compete in that division. It has nothing to do with in state ranking for all age groups.

Senior nationals at 103lbs. is not near as deep as nationals for underclassmen at that weight!