Those "others" mentioned probably would want a shirt, why wouldn't they? They would obviously not be alone. Apparently there are others that feel they should get one as well. I definately want Windham to get one. But forget runnerup. Windham deserves no less than Co.
As I have already stated though, I really do enjoy the Chief list and I do "applaud" him for his passion/efforts and "outside of the box thinking" but yes, they are opinions. I do believe that Chief probably knows more about the overall picture. He probably knows more about most of the weights than I do, but no, he does not know more about my son's weight than I do (unless his son was at the same weight). My son has wrestled all of the list-makers at his weight, most this year, or at least been in their bracket. I have seen all of them wrestle many times over the last 10 years and I have studied the results from competitions this year that I was not able to bear witness to. There would obviously be someone just like me that could speak about the weight that their son/grandson/brother/etc wrestled at.
I am not trying to hate, this is supposed to be a positive thing. I am just tired of all of the justifications/excuses for the supreme legitimacy of the Chief list and then the derogatory comments directed at others who might not totally agree with "the list". The list is what it is, Chief's opinion. I do agree with the overall list as the best possible representation of what Kansas has to offer based on opinion, but obviously see some possible discrepancies and warranted disagreements. But that's ok. Keep doing what you are doing, etc, Chief because I certainly follow the list and enjoy it. I already look forward to the list next year.
Now let the mud fly!