Oh man, I knew that this would get juicy real quick if I commented but slow down people. Nobody said that those freshman should be "discounted". I gave them their just props. It is more about the non freshman kids that I think should be recognized that right now are not.
Yes, Bonilla is the top 6A kid listed and could be #1 in 6A when those rankings come out, but I still have no evidence that would warrent anyone other than Pursel being ahead of him on the Chief list. Bonilla may not even be #1 in 6A though when the rankings come out if you factor in the returning medalist.
There is however no reason to defend anyone though and there is no reason to "back up" the Chief as I have always given him his just dues as well. I can have an opinion just like Chief or anyone else but here is the difference. My son has wrestled almost all of these kids that I have made reference to or he has been in their bracket at some point so I probably know more about them than Chief and most other people. I admit that he knows more about the fourteen weights collectively but not 103-119. I have seen all of these kids wrestle many times. My son has also wrestled Seybold, Seaton and Schumacher and that is all that I will say about that right now.
Please try not to get so twisted over my opinions though and have a great day!