Originally Posted By: wrestling67
ok guys, lets not make this another bs debate. I spoke with one one the tmp coaches. He locked his hands, the 5 count was there period. I commend schumacher on an Outstanding match he deserves to be #1 321A, and I have put my two cents in to the Chief letting him know that I believe Schumacher is a solid #2 all class. Lets not try drag this on they are both top notch wrestlers and I believe both will win state.


Im going to go ahead and throw the BS card down on your comment about your conversation with one of the TMP coaches. That was never said and its too bad you feel the need make something up like that. Both of the coaches were standing right there as Schumacher and Miller went out of bounds when the phantom call was made. Neither of them will ever say that his hands were locked, because they weren't. If the tables were turned and Miller lost 4-3 on a terrible call like that in the front of your coaches, you would be blowing up this board.

The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.