Okay now I'm confused at 152 at one time you had Josh at four but again was moved down, you have Keiswetter at 3 in the all class rankings and in the 321a rankings they have him at 3. I'll probably regret saying this cause Josh and heck who knows maybe Son to will get moved down even more but Thimmesch and Rachow arent even on the all school rankings and yet they are ranked ahead of Keiswetter in 321a. Then you have Penka at 2 in the all school rankings but have him at 3 in the 5a rankings behind Demerest who is at 9 in the all school rankings, man chief you got me confused is there anybody undefeated at this weight besides Blair, whats your criteria do you go by records,who they've wrestled, or by if you know them or like them, I'm lost.