I am the KWCA 4A and 6A ranker. I also do the AC rankings that are not sponsored by the KWCA. The 4A rankings are posted once a week. The AC rankings are updated anytime with criteria. That is why Sam Son has been ranked above Josh in 4A and at one point below him in AC. Son has two losses this year to Cade Blair, 3-1 and to Jake Walker. He went 41-6 last year and you know what happened in that 145 State bracket. When I changed the 152 AC after "chaos" swept over it, I realized that I had overlooked Son. I am not done updating them this week and will do that after my 4A rankings are updated. I do receive and appreciate input from all sources and have many dedicated coaches and fans from around the state that have great insight into certain weight classes. Ultimately it is my decision and I am always glad to defend it.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12