Mr. Campbell,

As Badbo elequently (sp?)points out Joey has some work to do before he can qualify for Nationals. Regionals competition and depending on the matchups at State he could have tough matchups with Cody Shavlik, Connor Middleton and others.


I appreciate your comments, but I don't understand your post about not winning the Garden City Tourney. I recommend that you research the competition Joey has had the past few years at the Garden City Invitational. I believe that anyone in the State (to include kids that have graduated) would have had tough matches with Jake Snider and Max Ortega (Rio Rancho- Indiana Univ. I believe). Not to mention Kelly from Ponderosa, Benny Armstrong (Andale)and Dakota Hayes, who is always in the match no matter what the score is.

For what it's worth even though he hasn't won this tournament some of my proudest moments are watching him battle against this competition.

Kind regards,

Rodney Dozier