2coach: You seem to have some good insights into this ranking thing. Have you considered coming up with your own version of All-Class Rankings?

If you did, then we could have something like in football where we have the AP poll, ESPN poll etc... It would be the Chief Poll and the 2Coach Poll. Chief could respond to forum "questions" about his decision process; you could respond to forum "questions" about yours. You and Chief could even compare notes on records. Like who beat who when? How did who beat who? When who beat who, the way who beat who, was the losing who ahead of the winning who? Who's on first? (lame Abbott and Costello reference) Did Horton Hear A Who? (lame Dr. Seuss reference)

I know there must be alot of data. Chief is always asking for new information about match results. It is a big job. But if you could step in with the insights you bring, if you could share your data with Chief like you do on this forum, and if you could actually create your own rankings, then the rest of us would have something else to compare and "question".

I understand if you don't have the time. I know I don't. Until that day, we might just enjoy Chief's attempt to rank fairly. We might let the State Tournaments play out. And we might hope that the state placers from each class go on to compete at Kids States. The Grand States. Only then might we thank God that we get a final ranking with no "questions".

Take your own advice.