no his parents will never like you, as a matter of fact they could care less about you. don't make this about other people. Im sure there are great kids out there in fact I know that. this is my thoughts on you and Josh. Like coke says you state facts, so Im stateing facts. Im not out to get you. I just found it odd how you kept putting people in front of Josh without having criteria as you say. You know and I know Blair is #1 and until someone knocks him off of that then he should stay 1. All Im saying is you always want criteria and when you have him at 3 then all of a sudden you start putting guys in front of him without them ever wrestling him and Josh not doing anything but winning I find that odd. I'm not mad at you, I to could care less about you also, I would just like to see my nephew get the credit he deserves in his last year, just like Mr.Dozier said to you in an earlier post...